Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Today is new.

Things have been slow-moving on the jewelry front, and really I'm quite content with it all.

I have 2 rings I need to polish and set stones in, and truthfully they've been ready for this next step for nearly a week. Lazing about is part of winter though, isn't it?

One of the rings is quite and odd thing indeed. I'm not so sure about it. I think I've watched too many spaceship movies and such lately. (Ok, really I just watched the entire Firefly season within a few days, following it up with Serenity.)

I am currently reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. It's slowed my reading down considerably (I was being sort of crazy for a bit, there) - not because it's boring or hard to read or anything, it's mostly just the timing of things. I'm not quite 2/3 of the way through and I'm still eyeing it suspiciously. The experience is reminding me a bit of watching Mulholland Drive.

Today I'm officially ordering my snowshoes! I'm quite excited about this. I really kind of like the cold once I acclimate to the winter here (it always takes a bit). Now I can go exploring or at least have something to do while I wait for Cholula to dry off after our rides.

And, the last bit of news is that Cholula has a new friend. I have been looking for someone to half-lease her for some time: I just can't get out to ride 5-6 days/week, and it's important that she stays in full work. I found a girl in high school who has been riding for several years but is new to dressage. They get along great and I think she's really having fun with Cho. AND we have tons of canter progress! I'm really hoping we can make it to some shows this year.

Apologies for the lack of photos. Again, lazing about. I do have these...

Zeus does not appreciate the notion of sharing his human (notice the horse to the left, who is apparently getting too close):
Such a face!

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