Monday, October 4, 2010

a handful.

I made some things, you know.

And then I photo'd them and even managed to put some in my shop.

I've decided that I will be closing the shop while I'm on vacation. Because it's vacation. I've also taken out anything that's made to order, because I have other things to worry about this week, like getting my apartment and clothes clean before I leave.

Sorry to be so's not much of a writing day for me today. Maybe after I have my coffee and don't feel like walking zombie. I hate you, Monday.

Onto pretty things!
Lunar Earrings
I will be honest with you: I like these earrings. But I like them significantly more because I've associated them with Major Tom and anything remotely associated with David Bowie, even if it's my own doing, makes me a little giddy.

Rawhide Ring (part II)

I know I've probably mentioned this a few times before, but I really love Owyhee Jasper. In every form and pattern and color. I also feel like I'm a grown-up jeweler because it's like I made a little series.

Deery Me earrings

I started these with the intention of having them at the art fair. You know, the one in July. Sometimes it takes me a long time to pick something back up again.

That concludes today's blogging fun!

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